Top Drawer and cloudy days

It has been a busy Summer which has mostly kept me at my desk working hard. I’ve missed most of the glorious hot sunny days because I’ve had a huge project on which I just had to get done. I am not complaining - I would rather this than no work. It’s just been hard and at times left me questioning what I’m doing after working every day, evening and weekend for what felt like forever. The sun shining makes it harder as I just want to down tools and ‘play’ outside! Today is cloudy, today is a great day - a typical grey British day! I love it! I am at my happiest when it’s this sort of weather as I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything outside! Love being at my desk and drawing pretty pictures on days like today!

After being a hermit for so many months, yesterday I escaped and visited Top Drawer. I had a fantastic, inspiring and invigorating day! So good to step away from my desk and venture out. I met up with friends and clients old and new, listened to inspirational and informative talks and loved looking at all the new products coming into the market place. The highlight of the day was meeting James Ellis and seeing my new cards on his stand. Very excited to say they’ll be coming to shops very soon!